‘To feel like you’re inside an iPad’
Max Carmona, U.S. restaurant designer for McDonald’s tells US Today “We’re not trying to be Apple,” but we can be inspired by them. When you’re inside an Apple store, you almost feel like you’re inside an iPad — and you want to stay there. We want people to walk into McDonald’s and have the same feeling.” McDonalds is busy upgrading all it’s restaurants in the US at the moment. A plan that has been in play since 2006 no less, having been first introduced to NYC in 2009. No more garish red or yellows. The all new, all toned down muted colours with an all cool infrastructure leads the way. The design has been influenced by upgrades in other countries, along with Starbucks, Apple, artists and consumer needs . They aim to create new experiences for their existing customers; a place to linger and return to and hope to appeal to the new. But I can’t stop thinking about that ‘feeling – like you are inside an iPad’! Carmona does have something there. The instore Apple experience is hands on, clean, creative, explorative, easy to navigate, friendly. An experience that does mirror their image and their products well. Customers expect more than a service. They thrive on experiential engagement and creative freedom, which is what you get at Apple. I am left to ask what that Big Mac experience might entail, but I hope it doesn’t include 2 all beef patties, special sauce, lettice, cheese on a sesame seed bun, or else my buns aint going anywhere close – any time soon.. Although I expect we’ll have quite some time to see the new McDonalds couture here in SA, a country salivating over chicken and oil still! Ah, but to feel like your inside a Big Mac. I can’t wait to experience it myself – What a cheesy, yet somehow cosy thought! This slideshow requires JavaScript. http://www.brandchannel.com/home/post/2011/05/11/McDonalds-Makeover.aspx