Re-use your straws dammit!
Being conscientious mothers, the both of us often discuss the state of the world today and the impact it will have on our kids. We put a lot of thought into this planet we have collectively created for our children. Past generations have gifted the future generations with a real mess to clean up. We all know this right? So OK BOOMERS, let's talk! It's a small step, but a necessary one. Let's talk about straws! At some point in time, we've all used them. They end up in ours oceans and as food for many expecting sea creature. It makes much sense to use this as a small example in how to make a change for the better. Because, in our mind, it really doesn't take that much effort. It's all about mindset & will. We love ‘CaliWoods Drinking Straws’ from New Zealand and also 'Earth Warrior' bamboo straws from South Africa, so, shout out to them both for doing such good in this world already! Up until recently, society has happily grabbed a plastic straw when buying a drink from the local cafe or milk bar. It is only now we are being shown just how much impact plastic straws have on the earth as well as the oceans. I quite often wonder just how much land fill our land can fill? Liz uses smoothie straws from 'CaliWoods' for her two teenage sons. On order, they were put in the post immediately and Liz received them from New Zealand a few days later. Both her boys are avid smoothie, frappé, milkshake and fresh juice drinkers. Being teenagers they already knew the benefits of these reusable stainless steel straws and thankfully schools include important environment issues into their curriculum. Both Liz's boys appreciate their straws. They find them easy to wash and most of all are happy with the size ratio to get as much smoothie in their mouths as quick as possible (and then suffering the usual brain freeze!) Rachelle uses various reusable straws, from her not so favourite paper variety to stainless steel and bamboo. She supports 'Earth Warrior' straws and find them a handy handbag friend for on the go needs. They come in a handy pouch with cleaners for an 'always be ready' approach. Both make this sustainable effort to get the plastic off the streets and out of the oceans. They feel it is their duty to support companies such as CaliWoods and Earth Warrior to do their part in making a difference. After all change must start with self if we are to see the bigger impact. We have complete faith in future generations binding together to fix mistakes of the past, but will you contribute to help them out now, in their obvious time of need? Elizabeth Woods and Rachelle Momberg are best friends living n 2 separate continents. They are both Australian writers, poets, mothers and Globe-trotters with a happy love for life. Follow their blog ' The In-Between '.